Terms and Conditions

This site is produced and published by Marypop SASU, a simplified joint stock company with a capital of €20,000, whose registered office is located at 4 impasse du Point du Jour, 69005 Lyon, France, registered in the Lyon Trade and Companies Register under number 849 985 452.

E-mail: contact@marypop.com

Director of publication: Nathalie Barberis - nathalie@marypop.com

Editor-in-Chief: Nathalie Barberis - nathalie@marypop.com

Intracommunity VAT number: FR95849985452

SIRET number: 84998545200028


This site is hosted by OVH whose registered office is located at 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France. https://www.ovh.com



These general terms and conditions of use (hereinafter the "General Terms and Conditions") apply to all services offered on the Marypop.com website as well as all sites whose domain names have been registered by Marypop.


Article 1.             Definitions of the terms


In these General Terms and Conditions, words or expressions beginning with a capital letter, used in the singular or plural, are defined as follows:


"Creations" refers to all databases, creations, source codes, drawings, developments, data, folders, files, functionalities, guides, graphics, images, interfaces, inventories, software, logos, manuals, methods, settings, texts and other elements of the Platform, regardless of their nature, form or medium, and any resulting product or process.


"Content": refers to any comment, message or information of any kind, regardless of its nature, form or medium, and any resulting product or process (text, image, videos, photographs, comments, trademarks, company names, etc.), put online by a Member. The content is the intellectual property of Marypop and can therefore be submitted to moderation by Marypop.


"Applicant": refers to the Member requesting a Person-to-Person Service and/or accepting a Person-to-Person Service offered by an Intervenor, through the Platform.


"Data": refers to personal data allowing the User to be identified.


"Booking fees": refers to the amount to be paid giving access to Marypop contact between the Applicant and the Intervener.


"Intervener": refers to the Member accepting the solicitation of a Person Service from an Applicant and/or proposing the provision of a Person Service, through the Platform. The Intervener may be a professional or a non-professional of Personal Services.


"Member": refers to any natural person registered on the Platform.


"Mission": refers to the Personal Services actually provided by an Intervener to an Applicant.


"Platform": refers to the hardware and software structure set up by Marypop and accessible via the site Marypop.com as well as via all sites whose domain names have been registered by Marypop.


"Services": refers to the services for connecting Applicants and Interveners via the Platform; the Services are offered by Marypop.


"Personal Services": refers to home child care activities; Personal Services are provided by the Interveners.


"User": refers to any person using the Platform whether a simple visitor or Member.


"Verification": refers to the option to indicate that a profile has been subject to a specific verification.


Article 2.             Marypop activity


 Marypop offers the following Services:

- Marypop implements the tools and technical means to put Claimants and Interveners offering a Personal Service in contact with each other. As such, Marypop allows Claimants and Intervenors to make an appointment via the Platform;

- Marypop uses a payment intermediary who deducts from the Applicants the amount of the Reservation Fees and Missions and pays the latter to the Interveners at the end of the Missions; the payment intermediary pays Marypop the amount of the Reservation Fees;

- Marypop hosts profiles, messages, solicitations from Applicants and offers from Interveners.

Marypop activity is therefore limited to implementing the means to (i) connect Interveners and Applicants and (ii) book and pay for Missions. Marypop is not an agent, neither of the Applicants nor of the Interveners. Marypop does not provide any Services to the Person; the Interveners are not employees and/or subcontractors of Marypop.


Article 3.             Acceptance of the general terms and conditions


The use of the Platform is subject to these Terms and Conditions. By using the Platform, the User acknowledges having read, understood and accepted these General Terms and Conditions without reservation. Similarly, by using the Platform, the User acknowledges that he/she has accepted the Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy.

Marypop may at any time modify and update these General Terms and Conditions. The General Conditions in force at the time of use of the Platform are those that are enforceable against the User. The User is advised to keep himself regularly informed of the General Conditions.


Article 4.             Intellectual Property


All Creations are the exclusive property of Marypop. It is prohibited for any person to contact Interveners, to recover all or part of the Site's database and/or to use the Site for purposes other than those defined by these General Conditions.

The "Marypop" brand as well as the all domain name Marypop.com" and all the domain names which have been registered by Marypop.

Marypop grants the User a personal, non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use all or part of the Creations only insofar as such use is strictly necessary for access and/or use of the Platform.

The User grants Marypop, free of charge, for the legal term of protection and for the entire world, a right to use, reproduce, adapt, distribute, represent, exploit and use the Content in a transferable, transferable and exclusive manner.

Marypop is the producer of the databases linked to the Site and the Applications. Consequently, any extraction and/or re-use of all or part of these databases, within the meaning of articles L 342-1 and L 342-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code, is prohibited.

Article 5.             Access and Use of the Platform


5.1. Access to the Platform


The Platform brings together:


  • the Applicants, registered on the Platform in order to be put in contact with Interveners. They propose to remunerate the Interveners for the realization of Personal Services. Access to the Platform is reserved to any natural person having full legal capacity to enter into commitments under these General Terms and Conditions, within the framework of his or her own personal service needs and not for the purpose of reselling, renting or exchanging services for the benefit of third parties, in the context of a professional or occasional activity.
  • the Interveners, who offer a Personal Service. Access to the Platform for Interveners is reserved for any natural person over 16 years of age, with a work permit in the territory concerned, a civil liability insurance and proof of a clean criminal record.

It is prohibited for any legal entity, and any natural person acting on behalf of a legal entity, to register on the Platform as an Applicant without prior written authorization from Marypop.

Marypop reserves the right to block access to any User acting in breach of these General Terms and Conditions and to initiate any legal action against it, in particular in the event of use of all or part of the Platform for commercial purposes (prospecting and/or collection of information, use of the contact details of the Interveners, unsolicited advertising, etc.).


5.2 Registration on the Platform


The benefit of the Services requires that the User registers on the Platform, by completing the form provided for this purpose in order to become a Member.

General provisions

The User undertakes to provide all the information marked as mandatory by completing a form available online on the Platform, including a valid email address and telephone number that will enable him/her to confirm his/her registration. The User certifies that this information is accurate, up to date and sincere and undertakes to update it regularly via his dashboard.

The User who becomes a Member undertakes to provide all supporting documents at Marypop first request.

Marypop reserves the right to refuse, without any responsibility, any registration of a User in the event of non-compliance with these General Conditions.

Audited Members

 In order to guarantee to the Claimants the veracity of the information transmitted by the Interveners who will be required to carry out Missions, Marypop proposes a profile verification system (the "Verified Members"). This Verification consists in verifying the identity, contact details, possible diplomas and language skills of the Speakers.

  • Identity: the Participant electronically transmits a copy of his/her identity document (identity card, passport or driving licence). Marypop checks that the surname, first name and age transmitted at the time of registration match;
  • Diploma or training: when the Intervener indicates that he or she has certain diplomas or patents, the latter sends a copy electronically. Marypop verifies that the diploma has been delivered in the first and last name provided at the time of the speaker's registration;
  • Spoken languages: when the Intervener indicates that he/she speaks certain languages, he/she remains at Marypop disposal to carry out a test, written or oral, to check his/her linguistic skills;
  • Work visa: the Platform's clients are invited to check with the Contributor whether the Contributor is authorised to work in the country concerned.

The Member undertakes to create only one account.

The Member undertakes not to communicate his/her contact details (in particular email, telephone number, visio conference ID, etc.) to another Member via the Marypop platform.

The Member undertakes to use the Platform personally and not to allow any third party to have access to it in its place or on its behalf.

The Member undertakes to ensure that the confidentiality of his username and password is maintained. Any activity carried out with a Member's ID and password shall be deemed to have been carried out by the Member, under his own responsibility.

Marypop reserves the right, without notice and without any liability whatsoever, to temporarily or permanently suspend a User's access to the Platform in the event of non-compliance by the User with these General Conditions.


5.3. Accreditations of Providers


The Providers on the Platform are not certified to look after children under a minimum age and Marypop does not authorise the Service providers on the Platform to look after children under a minimum age. This minimum age may vary from country to country and/or over time. On 1 January 2024 and in France, this minimum age is set at 3 years. User Members are invited to check the regulations of the country in which the service is provided in order to become aware or verify this minimum age on the day of their babysitting.


The Providers on the Platform are not certified to look after children suffering from a disability and Marypop does not authorise the Service providers on the Platform to look after children suffering from a disability. 

Number of children

The Providers on the Platform are not certified to look simultaneously after more than 4 children and Marypop does not authorise the Service providers on the Platform to look simultaneously after more than 4 children. This maximum number of children per babysitter may vary from country to country. User Members are invited to check the regulations of the country in which the service is provided in order to ascertain this maximum number of children.


5.4. Platform Interruption


Marypop reserves the right, without notice and without any liability, to temporarily or permanently suspend access to the Platform in order to carry out updates, maintenance operations and/or modifications on the servers. In the event of suspension of access to the Platform, or in the event of its permanent closure, Marypop shall in no way be held liable for any damage potentially suffered by the User.

Marypop does not guarantee that the Platform will operate without interruption.

Marypop does not guarantee that the servers and/or third party sites to which the Platform may provide access via hypertext links do not contain viruses.

Marypop cannot be held responsible in the event that one or more Users are unable to connect to the Platform due to any technical defect or problem.


Article 6.           Access to the Service


Access and registration to the Platform is free of charge.

Applicants who are members of the Platform can check the availability of the Speakers and send a single message free of charge to a Speaker via internal messaging.

Payment by the Applicants for the contact with the Intervenors is made online by credit card: Carte Bleue, Visa, Eurocard, Mastercard.

Applicants must indicate their credit card number, as well as the validity date and the last three digits of the pictogram on the back of the card (SSL security protocol).

Applicants have the possibility to indicate a promotional code likely to offer them a discount on the public price:

By accepting these General Terms and Conditions, Members acknowledge that the promotion codes:

  • May not be used for purposes other than those envisaged under the specific conditions established by Marypop for each promotional code;
  • May not be duplicated, sold or transferred in any way, nor made available to the general public by being posted on a public forum or on a social network or other unless expressly authorized by Marypop;
  • May expire before being used and be deactivated by Marypop at any time for any reason for which Marypop is liable.

Marypop reserves the right to refuse any promotional code and/or make the order and use of a Member's promotional codes invalid if Marypop considers that the use of these promotional codes has been made in an erroneous, fraudulent, illegal or contrary to the specific conditions applicable to the promotional codes concerned and/or to these General Conditions.

Marypop reserves the right to close the account of the Member who has not respected the above conditions and/or to request reimbursement from the Members of the promotional codes used for a purpose other than that specified by the specific conditions established by Marypop.



Article 7.               Description of Services


7.1. Internal messaging

An Applicant may contact an Intervener by internal messaging. After registration, the Applicant has the option of sending messages to Interveners free of charge, by clicking on "Contact" on the Interveners' profile.

The Intervener may accept, refuse or discuss a reservation request from an Applicant.

The Intervener may send written messages to an Applicant, provided that the initial contact has been accepted by both parties.


7.2. Booking (Mission Request)

The Applicant undertakes to use the online booking of the Interveners for the performance of the Missions and undertakes not to remunerate the Missions of Interveners not booked via the Platform. As such, the rates remain freely fixed by the Intervener under the legally authorized conditions. The Participant registered on the Platform undertakes to always use online booking on the Platform to carry out its Missions and undertakes not to accept any remuneration for Missions from Applicants whose reservations have not been made on the Platform.

Marypop reserves the right to exclude, without notice and without any liability, any Member who does not comply with this provision.

A Applicant may in any case make a request for a Mission without first sending a message to an Intervenor.

The Applicant is free to choose the Intervenor who best suits his needs.

Under no circumstances does Marypop advise or guide the Applicant in the choice of an Intervener. The Applicant is solely responsible for the selection of the Intervener he contacts. Marypop does not guarantee to the Applicant that the Intervener has the necessary legal documents enabling him to exercise an activity as an employee or self-employed person in the country where the Mission takes place. Marypop cannot be held liable if necessary.

Generally speaking, the Applicant undertakes to provide all the information and resources necessary to enable the Intervener to carry out the Mission and undertakes to pay the Intervener for the Mission.

The hourly cost displayed on the Platform corresponds to the net price for one hour of Mission. This net price does not include the social security contributions relating to the Mission and any assistance to which the Applicant may be entitled under Personal Services.

In the case of a single Mission, the price is the hourly cost multiplied by the number of hours of the Mission.

The price is expressed in Euro and includes all taxes (including VAT).


7.3. Methods of payment of the Mission price

When placing his first order for a Mission, the Applicant must register a credit card on which a pre-authorization request will be made to his bank for the sums incurred in connection with the Services ("the Committed Amounts"), namely the Booking Fee. Only MasterCard, Visa and Carte Bleue bank cards are taken into account.

The Applicant's banking data will be collected by Marypop payment service providers and will be kept securely by them during the time of his registration to the Services to enable him to proceed with other orders or to be able to pay for recurring Missions. The Committed Amounts will only be deducted if the Intervener accepts the Mission. The transaction is concluded between the Claimant and the Intervener.


7.4. Payment dispute

In the event of disagreement between the Claimant and the Intervener, Marypop cannot be held responsible and cannot intervene on behalf of either party.


7.5. Cancellation of a Mission

(i) Cancellation from a Claimant

The payment of the reservation remains due by the Applicant in the event that the Applicant cancels it less than 12 hours before the start of the Mission.

This clause is left to the discretion of Marypop Customer Service, particularly in the event of a cancellation deemed by Marypop to be of major importance.

(ii) Cancellation by an Intervener

The Intervenors may cancel a Mission, at no cost and without compensation to the Claimant.

Marypop reserves the right to close a Member's account in the event of frequent cancellations.


Article 8.             Assessment of the quality of the Missions


Once a Mission has been carried out by the Intervener, the Applicant is invited to leave a comment on the quality of the Mission carried out by the Intervener and give it a mark. The appreciations and notes left by the Applicants will be visible to other Users on the Intervener's profile.

Marypop reserves the right not to post the rating given online in the event of an excess or rating that does not seem appropriate.

The Interveners agree that their Mission(s) may be rated by the Applicants, knowing that they will do so on the Marypop Platform.

The aim is to guarantee to the Applicants the skills of the Interveners who will be required to carry out Missions.

It is in no way a question of noting the person but only his Mission as a Home Intervener.

The rating consists of assigning a rating that assesses the overall quality of the Mission, with ratings ranging from one to five stars.

When the Speaker has received at least one rating, the rating from one to five stars will be placed online next to the Speaker's profile, as posted on the Marypop.com website. With each new rating, a new average will be established.

The individual notes given by the Claimants to an Intervener may, where applicable, be disclosed to the Intervener concerned at its request. The latter will be able to respond to the assessment through his right of reply by responding to the rating on his profile.

Depending on their age or the evolution of the assessments given by the Applicants, Marypop.com reserves the right to delete ratings.


Article 9.             Assessment of Applicants knowledge and skills


Once a Mission has been carried out by the Intervener, the latter might be invited to leave a comment on the Applicant. The assessments left by the Intervenors will be visible to Users on the Applicant's profile.

Marypop reserves the right not to post a given comment online in the event of an excess or rating that does not seem appropriate.

The Applicants agree to be rated by the Intervenors, if necessary, knowing that they will do so on the Marypop Platform.

The purpose is to inform the Intervenors, before confirming a reservation, of a certain amount of information concerning the behaviour of the Applicant.


Article 10.           Remuneration of Marypop


In return for the Services provided to Members, Marypop receives a commission, the amount of which is indicated on the Platform.

Marypop reserves the right to propose promotional offers and/or to modify the amount of the applicable commissions and their terms and conditions of application on all Marypop offers (packages, subscriptions, gift cards). Members will be informed of these new amounts and of the new conditions of application.

Members acknowledge and agree that it is their responsibility to be aware of the amount of commissions applicable on the date on which they respond favourably to a Mission or the amounts applicable on the date on which they subscribe.

Subscribing to a package allows the Member to benefit from a discount on the amount of the commissions. The payment of the cost of the baby-sitting remains due. The subscription constitutes a remuneration for Marypop and does not include the cost of the baby-sittings.

The subscription to a Marypop package is taken out for a minimum period and is tacitly renewed.


Article 11.           Financial transactions and debt collection


Marypop has chosen to trust Stripe for all its electronic payment services by credit card. By using the credit card payment system during the Missions proposed on the Marypop Platform, Members accept the Stripe Terms of Use available at https://stripe.com/fr/legal

In the event of a payment failure resulting in non-payment or partial payment, Marypop reserves the right to represent a payment on the payment method registered at the time of booking, to collect reminder fees from the Member and to entrust the management of the collection of unpaid amounts to a trusted third party.


Article 12.           Right of withdrawal


In accordance with Article L. 221-18 of the Consumer Code, the right of withdrawal is 14 days from the conclusion of the contract. To exercise the right of withdrawal, it is necessary to send a written letter or an electronic message clearly expressing the will to exercise this right with the details of the contract or the following message:

"Dear Madam, dear Sir,

To the attention of Marypop, 4 impasse du Point du Jour, 69005 Lyon, France.

Following the contract concluded on[indicate the date of validation of the Mission form or the date of subscription], I hereby exercise my right of withdrawal.


clearly indicate your first and last name, registration email and address]"

The request must be addressed:

  • or by written letter to the following address Marypop - 4 impasse du Point du Jour, 69005 Lyon, France
  • or by email to the following address: contact@marypop.com

However, in accordance with Article L.221-28 1° of the Consumer Code, the User expressly waives the right of withdrawal if the Mission is carried out immediately and carried out before the end of the withdrawal period (non-exhaustive examples: exchange of messages with Intervenors or Applicants, request or performance of a Mission, etc.)


Article 13.           Role and Responsibility


13.1. Role and responsibility of Members

Members are required to:

  • Do not use Marypop for any purpose other than those defined in this Preamble.
  • Not to disclose on their profile personal information allowing other Members and/or Users to identify them (including last name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, contact on social networks...) and/or to contact them without going through the Platform.
  • Not post, indicate or distribute in any form whatsoever any information or Content that has the effect of diminishing, disorganizing, preventing normal use of the Services, interrupting and/or slowing down the normal flow of communications between Users through the Services, such as software, viruses, logic bombs, massive sending of messages, etc. Marypop reserves the right to delete messages that are sent massively by a User in order to preserve a normal quality of use of the Service for other Members.
  • Not to post, indicate or disseminate in any form whatsoever, not to make any comments, not to engage in any conduct of a defamatory, abusive, obscene, pornographic, vulgar, offensive, aggressive, inappropriate, violent, threatening, harassing, racist, xenophobic or sexually oriented nature or nature, inciting hatred, violence, discrimination or hatred, encouraging activities or the use of illegal substances or, more generally, contrary to the purposes of the Platform, likely to infringe the rights of Marypop or a third party or contrary to morality;
  • Not to post, indicate or distribute in any form whatsoever information or content incorporating links to third party sites that are illegal, immoral and/or not in accordance with the purpose of Marypop;
  • Not attending an appointment or having a Member attend an appointment without making a reservation on the platform.


13.2 Role and responsibility of Marypop

Marypop and the Members are independent parties, each acting in its own name and on its own behalf.

Marypop does not conclude any contract in the name and/or on behalf of an Intervener or a Claimant, the latter contracting directly between themselves through the Platform.

Marypop is not a party to any contracts concluded between the Members; Marypop shall under no circumstances be held liable for any difficulties that may arise during the conclusion or performance of these contracts, nor be a party to any disputes between them, due to any guarantees, declarations or obligations to which the Members may be bound.

In particular, Marypop is not responsible for the quality or conformity of the Mission carried out by the Intervener.

Marypop can under no circumstances be considered as an employee / employer of a Member; the Intervenors can under no circumstances be considered as subcontractors of Marypop.

Marypop declines all responsibility for any incidents or accidents that may occur to Members during the Mission. More generally, Marypop cannot be held liable for any damage of any kind (personal, physical, material - including missing items - financial or other) that may occur during a Mission. No claims will be accepted in this respect.

Marypop undertakes to provide the Services diligently and in accordance with the rules of the art, it being specified that it is under an obligation of means, to the exclusion of any obligation of result, which the Users expressly acknowledge and accept. Marypop liability is exclusively limited to the provision of the Services in accordance with the terms and conditions described in these General Terms and Conditions.

Marypop cannot be held responsible for the Contents, whose authors are third parties. Therefore, any possible claim should first be directed to the author of the Content in question.


Article 14.           Sanctioning of breaches


In the event of a breach of any of the provisions of these general terms and conditions, or more generally, of a breach of laws and regulations by a Member, Marypop reserves the right to :

  • Suspend, remove or prevent access to the Platform and/or Services;
  • Apply financial penalties to the Member;
  • Delete all or part of the Content;
  • Take all appropriate measures;
  • Where appropriate, notify the competent authorities, cooperate with them and provide them with all relevant information for the investigation and repression of illegal or illicit activities.


Article 15.           Suspension and termination


15.1. Suspension of the Member account

Each Member may request from contact@marypop.com to suspend the publication of an advertisement published on his personal account in order to be put in contact with other Members of the Platform. The suspension is then temporary and consequently the Member's account no longer appears in the search list. The Member may at any time request to reactivate it.


15.2. Termination of the Member account


Intervener's account

Each Participant may terminate his or her registration on Marypop at any time by requesting the closure of his or her account without any reason and at no cost other than those related to the transmission of his or her request to contact@marypop.com. In order to close an account, no Mission must be in progress. A Stakeholder Member who wishes to close his account while an Assignment is in progress must first cancel his Assignment(s).

For Stakeholders with a Subscription in force on the date of the cancellation request, this request does not entail the reimbursement of the period remaining until the Subscription expires.


Applicant's account

Each Applicant may terminate his registration with Marypop at any time by requesting the closure of his account without any reason and without any costs other than those related to the transmission of his application to contact@marypop.com.


Article 16.           Validity


If any of the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions are invalid under a rule of law or a law in force or following a final decision of a competent court, such provision shall be deemed unwritten, but shall not entail the invalidity of the said General Terms and Conditions.


Article 17.           Applicable law - Jurisdiction - Alternative dispute resolution


These General Terms and Conditions are governed by French law.

In the event of a disagreement between Marypop and the User, and when this disagreement could not be settled as part of a prior written complaint directly to Marypop legal department via the address legal@marypop.com, the User may use a consumer mediator free of charge in order to resolve the dispute between him and Marypop. The User may also refer the matter to the European Ombudsman, whose contact details and referral procedures are available on and http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.

Any disagreement or dispute that is not settled amicably shall be settled either under the Code of Civil Procedure, the court of the place where the defendant resides or the place where the Mission is carried out, or under the Consumer Code, the court of the place where the Claimant resided at the time the contract was concluded, unless rules of public policy confer jurisdiction on other courts.