Marypop in the Press

June 2022: Marypop bilingual babysitters are now in Marseille (click to watch the interview)


April 2022: Marypop belongs to the TOP10 babysitting services in France


March 2022: Mother tongues and/or father tongues, an assimilable wealth



July 2021: Bilingual babysitting and Marypop commitments as a startup



April 2021: School closures and COVID19: Marypop helps parents find a babysitter to help with home schooling


Marypop in Maddyness


February 2021: on the radio


August and September 2020: back to school




March and April 2020: lockdown and Marypop support services by video


Radio Juive Marseille


Bref Eco Marypop avril 2020


Hitwest radio and Marypop




March 2020: "Solidarity and baby-sitting" in the context of the Coronavirus crisis

Marypop les Echos start-ups


Marypop BFM Lyon mars 2020


Marypop Cnews mars 2020


Marypop Le quotidien du Tourisme mars 2020

Marypop Influencia mars 2020

Marypop Français à l'étranger mars 2020

February 2020: Marypop and entrepreneurship


Marypop RCF fevrier 2020


February 2020: interview with blogger Titta

Marypop by Titta february 2020


January 2020: innovation and perspectives

Marypop Bref Eco Lyon janvier 2020


Marypop La Tribune janvier 2020


November 2019: an unique bilingual babysitting service


Marypop Le Progrès nov2019