Oops! Your babysitter is no longer available.

Please feel free to discover here the profiles of our sitters available by video for creative activities or homework help. We still found 3 baby-sitters for you in Bournemouth. We advise you to contact several at the same time.
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Louisa R.
Louisa R.
23 years

Bournemouth - GB


Hello! I am a student at Bournemouth University. I come from Caen, in France. My father being Portuguese, I lived in ...

Alexandrine B.
Alexandrine B.
25 years

Bournemouth - GB


Hello, I am a student in Bournemouth at United Worlds. I am available to take care of your children in the afternoon...

Violeta S.
Violeta S.
22 years

Bournemouth - GB
