How to become a babysitter without a diploma?

How to become a babysitter without a degree?

Nowadays, more and more people want to become a babysitter. However, many people do not necessarily know how to become one. Many people think that a diploma is necessary, but did you know that it is possible to learn the trade without having studied or received specific training? So it is indeed possible to become a babysitter without a diploma.

Do you want to work in the field of childcare but do not have a diploma or training? This profession requires skills, qualities, but above all a knowledge of how to be that will become more and more harmonious as you spend more time with the children around you.

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Become a babysitter with Marypop

Can you become a babysitter without a diploma?

Don’t worry! It is possible to work as a babysitter without a diploma, but there are certain conditions that must be met.

The first concerns the minimum legal age to become a babysitter. Indeed, any person who wishes to work as a babysitter must be considered capable of doing so and must be at least 16 years old. Being a babysitter requires a certain degree of maturity. In addition, it is of course advisable to have had previous experience in the field of childcare, whether on a professional or personal level. This will reassure parents that they are entrusting their children to an experienced person.


babysitter without a degree?

To be a babysitter, certain qualities are essential. You must be able to adapt to any situation in the presence of children. Other qualities to be taken into account are patience, seriousness and listening skills.

Indeed, taking care of children is a difficult thing to take very seriously. The babysitting profession requires a real sense of responsibility, which allows you to carry out different missions.

However, you will not be able to look after children under the age of 3, in which case training in the field of early childhood will be required as looking after children under the age of 3 requires specific skills.

Becoming a babysitter does not require any diploma or approval, only a good relationship with children.

You can still choose to follow a specialised training course to become more competent. The training will give the babysitter credibility.

Babysitting without a degree is possible, but what are the training courses to become a babysitter?


Training can be to your advantage, as being more competent will give you better pay, more confidence and reassurance from parents.

In addition, you will be able to claim a career development with one of these trainings:

  • BAFA (Brevet d’aptitude aux fonctions d’animateur).
  • CQP (Certificate of Professional Qualification) childminder, CAP-BEP level.
  • CAP (Certificat d’Aptitude Professionnelle), AEPE (Accompagnant Éducatif Petite Enfance) formerly CAP Petite enfance and Brevet d’Études Professionnelles (BEP) petite enfance or carrières sanitaires et sociales.
  • DEEJE (State diploma for educators of young children) or DEAP (state diploma for childcare assistants).
  • Validation of acquired experience (VAE)
  • Training sessions at IFAP (Institut de Formation à l’Assistance aux Personnes) to acquire the fundamentals of babysitting and personal services.


babysitter without a degree?

Having a driving licence or the PSC1 (Prévention et secours civiques de niveau 1) formerly the AFPS (Attestation de formation aux premiers secours) will only be a plus for you, it will make it easier for you to find a job.

The babysitting job is above all a job of passion, which does not require any diploma. So anyone who loves children and has some initial experience can become interested and develop a taste for the field of childhood, and then qualify their skills with the many training courses on offer to enable them to progress in the job market

That’s it! We hope to have answered your questions. If you are still interested in becoming a babysitter, go to Marypop and become one of our many babysitters. And if you still have questions, don’t hesitate to contact us, we will answer all your questions. See you soon on Marypop!

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